
My soccer “career” kicked off during my elementary school days, when I first stepped onto the soccer pitch. Throughout my journey, I mainly held the positions of center back and midfield.

Wuhan Zall and Juventus have always held a special place in my heart as my favorite soccer clubs. My journey with Wuhan Zall began back in my elementary school days. I still remember my first visit to the stadium on Xinhua Road, which was initially quite intimidating with its “passionate” fans and “colorful” language. However, with time, I grew accustomed to the fervor and embraced it wholeheartedly.

Soccer has given me numerous meaningful memories. Whether on the winning or losing side, there’s always something valuable to be learned. I used to be someone who placed immense importance on victory, but as time goes, I’ve come to realize that winning, while still significant, is just one part of the beautiful game.

When I step onto the pitch, I give my all to win a victory for my team, paying everything I have into the game. However, what I’ve come to cherish even more is the journey itself—those moments of friendship, the battles fought alongside teammates and friends. It’s in these experiences that the true magic of soccer lies.

Origin Cup and a Memorable Photo with a World-Famous Soccer Star (My boss).
When I was 15 years old I guess.